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2024年01月10日 18:11  点击:[]

Notice of the 2024WinterVacation


The Wintervacation starts from20January,2024  

新学期报到时间 New Semester Registration


Please come to the office with your passport for new semester registration on3 March,2024

Classes will start from4 March,2024


The safety reminder for the vacation are as follows, please read carefully and inform each other. Wish you enjoy a safe and happy vacation!


All the students have to obey the laws in China and the regulations of SDTBU.


The use of high-power electrical appliances in rooms is strictly prohibited (induction cooker, electric oven, etc.).

Make sure to turn off the power and water, close your door and windows before leaving your room. Pay close attention to your personal ID and property when you go out.Pay attention to food safety, and do not eat expired food or the ones without safety permits.


Observe the law of China, never use nor sell drugs. Cherish life and stay away from drugs.


It is strictly prohibited to work in China illegally.Students shall pay close attention to the visa as well as residence permit.  


Traffic and travel security. Please comply with traffic regulations and pay attention to traffic safety. Remember to take the passport with you. Watch out for safety signs and take precautions when going out. Try not to go out at night or travel alone, avoid going to places with safety hazards.


Anti-theft and anti-fraud. Do not take large amount of cash. Do not accommodate outsiders in dormitory. And make sure that the windows and doors are locked when you go out. Please reject any kinds of marketing, keep personal information, and do not lend personal identification to others.

6.买好充足的电。Buy enough electricity


Enjoy your winter vacation!



 School of International Education

Shandong Technology and Business University

19 January,2024


上一条:2024年促进与俄乌白国际合作培养项目公示 下一条:2024年国家留学基金委匈牙利互换奖学金项目拟推荐人选公示


地址:烟台市莱山区滨海中路191号(西校区)    Address: No. 191, Binhai Middle Road, Laishan District, Yantai City (West Campus).
版权所有:山东工商学院国际合作与交流处    Copyright:International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Shandong Technology and Business University.
